Tuesday, November 04, 2008

day 7 raw food?


I arrived home at lunch time to find the table stocked with food, as usual, cooked food, for the kids..

I was initially angry to see my favorite fried manjoka, but hey, I'm in the beginning stages of this right?

I succumbed to my instincts and ate some food. My wife seems to think that Beans and rice are essential items. Being brought up in Brazil, this is the staple diet. I suppose if i married an English woman she would be on at me to eat sausage and chips saying it was necessary to eat these kinds of foods.

I am eating much more fresh fruit and veggies, more often and feeling much better for it, so if now and then I eat cooked food so be it. I would love to be able to say that I am 100 percent raw food vegan, but for now I am happy with what I got..

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