Sunday, August 17, 2008

falling again

Again it has happened, strange but true. Must be a past life thing, or just a shift in energy.
When it happened , I was at an angle of reverse, all I could see was the back of a person, but i felt it all the same, I just knew, I felt it hard to keep away, and then I was hooked, line and sinker, Perhaps the feelings mutual, I am almost sure, but then again, thats life. Happens every day..
It was a musician and was on the same bill, the same group in fact, but this was a first time meeting, a passing flare . A brief encounter with a stranger, but to be able, to be in a postion where I could sit so close, and to marvel at the passion and playing ability. to be sure to be sure.
I tried to write this in code, to protect the innocent. thats the way I am, probably coming off as sneaky, but I mean no harm..

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