Wednesday, February 27, 2008

deep river blues audio

recorded for randellfever on bass
douglas welch on guitar and vocals
cathy fever singing backing vocals
me on drums and sax
I had a great time doing it
Thanks to Randellfever for asking me to do this, lets hope we have more chance to do this again


Unknown said...

That sounded great - nice one!

beatricedelafrance said...


Douglas said...

Way cool Danny! Amazing how you can just build things up from one track.



Anonymous said...

Great job Danny!

Hache said...

Hay danny ... passing by .. just heard the song .. had fun listening to it .. good job.

Deek Deekster said...

i love this :)

Anonymous said...

cheers guys, appreciated, but i must add that randellfever is to be accredited for the initial build up of this work