Friday, February 22, 2008

1999 , a vision

this is a story of how i met my wife


Tomas Chispas said...

Danny sweet story, I know how love at first site feels.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this with me Danny! I left a post on SeeSmic. Wonderful story! I'm very happy for you! Freida

Kari said...

It's the little things that mean the most in the end...thanks for sharing your journey.

Rayanne said...

< 3, Danny. I'm jealous of your lovely story and lovely family. Good to see you smiling : )

giselle said...

i did stick around and was sitting very comfortably. well, to be honest, i ended it standing bc i get tired of sitting at times. glad to hear the rest of your story. that night must have been a bit magical. *giselle

Faux Press said...

A lovely story. Thank you so much for sharing it. Happy Anniversary! Will we get to meet your love?

Attitude said...

Danny - As promised I did stop by to see your video. Great story! I did stay 'till the end - enjoying a wonderful story on my sofa with my dog on a sunny Sunday in mid winter imagining magic on a warm beach filled with all the colors of life. Thank you for sharing. Happy anniversary.

Anonymous said...

how come you managed to get a psychedelic split-screen effect? in your life? ;-)

Christian said...

great story Dan.. I never tire from hearing it.

Christian said...

great story Dan.. I never tire from hearing it.