Friday, January 18, 2008

my loved ones

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to experience something very rare in this day and age.

The treatment of a witch doctor...

I say witch doctor in the loosest sense of the term. it was actually a psychiatrist, but i like to call her a witch doctor, for the pure and simple reason that she is spiritual, and enlightened...

It was due to my Mother dying that led me to visit this' witch doctor' , hahaha makes me sound like a weirdo i know. Honest, the lady was just a psychiatrist, but she was very knowledgeable in the arts of spiritual , social, human, and inter-actual relations. Also I can relate to having been to see a witch much better than saying i went to see a psychiatrist.

So any way,

The general banter was about my feelings as i go through the standard phases of losing a loved one, guilt, remorse, anger, pure love, hate,. All the usual ones.

It wasn't until I began to really open up and talk from the heart about more profound matters connected with the past couple of weeks that things began to get really interesting. Not only was I being cured from my 'illness', and dis-ease , but also I was learning a hell of a lot of new things to boot.
Can you imagine what its like to spill your guts and come clean about having had spiritually enlightening experiences on a plane and to explain visions and euphoria, not only in a second language but also to a non English speaker... difficult is an understatement.

so, here goes.

I was told that the visions I have been having recently are due to a turn in the tide, as it were. A change of frequency, multiple vibration shift... 'For when the Eagle and the condor fly in unison, will there then be peace on Earth'.
This a Prophecy from North and South America, Native Indians. It turns out that the peoples that were on these parts of the planet were far different from us Europeans, in more ways than one! I suppose you know all about the Mayan calender and the story of 2012, if for some reason you have not come across it, Things are still moving rather slow, and there is still time ( which is completely relative anyway ) I suggest looking into the subject, for I have limited time and resorses at my disposal to put it all into words, suffice to say its important enough for my loved ones to need to know about it, and believe me its on a need to know basis...

Speaking of loved ones, being a Cancerian, that encompasses the whole of this god forsaken planet

1 comment:

Deek Deekster said...

You mean Cancerian. But being Piscean, you are forgiven :-)